Melissa Fiori
My creative journey started when I became a mama. I wanted to create a natural environment for my boys. I began needle felting when they were little. I was able to create worlds of fantasy by creating creatures and felted people for them to play with. This progressed into exploring more with fiber. I became intrigued with wet-felting. I am a self-taught artist and gardener. The seasons create a perfect balance for both: gardening during the summer and coming inward during the winter and creating with wool. As my children got older, I began to explore the fiber medium more intensely. I found it magical just like the plants in nature. And so, I developed a love for all different types of fiber. I coerced merino wool with other natural fibers and observing the magic that occured with a play of color and unique fibers-like silk, soy, and bamboo. The exotic fibers and merino created texture and play with the pieces I was creating. During this progression, I have begun to create unique wearables, scarves, shawls, hats, mittens, vests, and structural pieces. My vessels and wall-hangings have an organic look and feel. All my pieces are unique and have original edges created through the process of filling and working the fibers. All of this is magic!